How to prevent flood disaster

Flood disaster not only happened in tropical country, but also happened in allover the world, when the people live with bad habit that applied for their nature especially for the forest who accumulate underground water massively, when they always throw away their garbage everyday into the river without thinking twice, nature disaster will come every hard rain fall.

So how to prevent flood disaster? Well the best way is give the people some advices to thinking twice when they wanna throw their garbage to the river near their house, and not only just thinking, but also the next step is force the people to bury their organic garbage into the ground, and collect synthetic garbage to throw it to the dump area that enabled to recycle their synthetic garbage. Back to home

How to make salad tasty ?

Hi first time I want to ask you about how much you eat salad every week? yeah In 2008 we must make a schedule of vegetable consumption weekly (even daily), especially for citizen who like to eat junk food everyday, oh come on you must decrease this routine NON healthy activity, and increase your consumption of healthy fresh vegetables. When we make salad, we always get trouble when our child didn't want eat it, because salad not tasty and make him/her bored, so I will tell you some tips how to make salad tasty?

This is some tips to make salad tasty;

  1. You must buy veggie from trusted store, or buy it directly at trusted farm. Make sure that the farm didn't used dangerous chemical fertilizer and NO insecticide at all.
  2. Make sure that the veggie are still fresh from the ground.
  3. Slice them smalls, don't too big.
  4. Try to looking for the best salad recipes from magazine or you can follow your original recipe of your family.
  5. For our child we must serve the salad with interesting look, you know it more than me.

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